Friday, April 30, 2010

Between storms

After a dry spell we've finally received rain in the region again. It swept through in the form of evening thunderstorms earlier this week. Ironically, it happened on a running day for me (actually, more like jogging) and I was determined not to put it off again. I discovered a break in the radar and decided to run between storms. Of course, radar is always delayed 10-15 minutes by the time we receive the info. I turned to head home after about 2 miles and the rains came. (Luckily, no thunder or lightening until I made it back to the house). I'm not sure the last time I ran in a downpour for two miles. I don't think I ever have more than several yards. There was just something so refreshing and invigorating about it. Everything I had was drenched (including the water resistant sneakers). This was a really good baptism. I'm not so sure we Methodists do it right. Direct from heaven. What a gift the rain was that day. I needed to feel free again and something about a 2 mile downpour on a rural road was so alive. Hard to believe it's been over a year now and 44 posts later since I began blogging. Thanks for reading and thanks be to God.
A fellow pastor wrote this week about the last 32 words of advice from Jesus in John 13. I'm no Jesus, but I figured why not try my own (in 16 words or less) based on my experiences this week. So, here you have it:
Dig in soft earth, be with people, protect our oceans, don't/do run between storms.

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