If you've never spent the morning in a county courthouse for roll call, you should. For that matter, if you've never sat in on a trial, (district court or superior court) you should.
Usually, you'll hear folks complain and dread being called up for jury duty 1 day in about 7 years. We can't stand to waste our time in the court system. But, there's a forgotten population of folks for which the court system is a way of life. I knew when I stepped in the courtroom that morning, I was in the right place. Words won't do "justice" to describe the scene. But, if Jesus were still enfleshed he'd have been there, hung out there, conversed outside on the steps during breaks. (Of course, you might say he is in flesh in us, and you'd be right. That's why we should probably spend more time there).
There was a hodgepodge of folks packed in that Monday morning. One couple, or family, or aquaintances came in dragging 6 kids with them. None of them could have been over 4 and the youngest of which was being held. Who knows how many times they'd been in a courtroom already and hardly four years old.
During breaks, everyone clears the courtroom to use the phone or restroom, and many go for a smoke or fresh air.
I'll never forget the image I spotted that morning before heading back upstairs to the courtroom. It was one of those little children, (probably around 3 years old), with a sippy cup in hand and climbing the stairwell to the courtroom. No guardians or adults in sight. Just a little man with sippy cup in hand, making his way upstairs for a court appearance. It broke my heart to think what might be in store for that young boy. Was he getting familiar practice for a rocky future? Was it a foreshadowing of things to come, imprinting a cruel destiny before he ever has so much as a chance? I pray not. Not if I have anything to do with it. (And believe me, we all have something to do with it).
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